
In this post I want to dive a little into the mental health aspect of health. In particular, I want to cover one topic that I find to be highly important- that is the topic of insecurity. Insecurity, I believe is a key factor underlying multiple emotional, relational, mental, behavioral and physical issues that occur in our lives. It can get in the way living a healthy life and therefore is and an issue worth exploring.

So what is insecurity? The Oxford Dictionary describes insecurity as "uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; a lack of confidence". To describe it in my own words, I believe insecurity is a lack of understanding, belief or awareness of ones intricate value and purpose. I believe each person holds value regardless of their past or present actions or circumstances. Though all people are valuable, factors such as life circumstances, social oppression, internal thought battles, words that have been spoken when they shouldn’t have or not spoken when they should have can form cracks in a persons self-identity and worth. Sometimes these cracks are so large that we have no knowledge of our worth- just negativity, fear, pain and confusion. As humans, we naturally want to protect ourselves from harm and so we cover these cracks with certain defenses. These defenses display themselves in many forms but are rooted in insecurity. Here are a few examples of how insecurity can surface itself.

1) PEOPLE PLEASING. By people pleasing, I mean adjusting your behavior around people to avoid any form of conflict or rejection and to receive approval. You continue to search for ways to please people out of a fear of rejection or a need to feel 'liked' and appreciated. There is nothing wrong with having a desire to serve people and meet their needs. What is behind this action is what is important to look at. Are you trying to please others out of a selfless attitude that wants to build them up and brighten their day? Are you trying to please others to get something in return? Are you trying to please others because you need them to like you in order to feel good about yourself? The latter is often an act of insecurity. When there are cracks in your sense of self worth, other people’s reactions to you can enter those cracks. In other words, you attribute your value, or a part of your value to how others see you. If someone likes you, you feel better. If someone does not like you or in some way rejects you, you feel worse. You will try to avoid that latter feeling by orchestrating situations to get a positive response from people. This is tiring and can often leave people feeling burnt out, drained and resentful. Confidence and security holds an awareness that ones value lies beyond what others think or perceive of them. You can leave a situation of rejection and assess what you may have done wrong or what you may need to change, as well as understand that there may be things about that other person that need to change, however that is not your role. Your confidence remains because you know your worth is not determined by people’s perceptions or acceptance. I am not saying there won't be an emotional response. A confident person may still feel hurt attached to rejection, but their sense of self is not shattered. 

2) ARROGANCE: Someone who displays arrogance and a lack of humility may actually be defending against insecurities. For example, psychological theory behind clinical narcissism is that the person is defending against an extremely weak sense of self. Due to that extreme insecurity, the narcissist cannot attach any negativity to themselves without crumbling, and so will project weaknesses or negatives onto others while seeing themselves in an unrealistic, grandiose, 'puffed up' light. It is a wall of protection they have formed to cover up extreme insecurity. In psychology terms, this is their “false self”. Though clinical narcissism is is an extreme example, there are aspects of this behavior that we can find ourselves adopting at times in defense of certain insecurities we hold. Though often perceived as weakness, it in fact takes strength and confidence to be humble- to acknowledge and accept both your strengths and weaknesses while remaining whole and secure. A secure person can accept negatives about themselves because they view them as separate from their innate value. Though arrogance and confidence are often mixed up by people, they are in fact in contradiction to one another.  

3) PRIDE AND DEFENSIVENESS. This can go hand in hand with the above paragraph of arrogance however also has some differences. I will use myself as an example for this one. Many times when I receive negative feedback such as an observation of a mistake I made or an aspect of my behavior that needs to change I put up a wall of defense. Many of my arguments with my husband stem from defending against things I myself need to change because I don’t want to hear it (or vice versa...). My immediate reaction is to formulate excuses and rationalizations for my behavior or attitude stemming from a desire to avoid being seen in a negative light. At times I have made up complete lies just to avoid a negative critique being attached to me.  In addition to external assessment, insecurity can cause me to defend against self-assessment. I will rationalize intentions and actions in my head or make up lies in an effort to avoid self-critique. Insecurity turns self-critique into an attack against my value rather than a healthy tool for growth. It takes confidence and security to hear negative feedback and process it in a healthy manner. Not all negative feedback is accurate, but a confident person can hear it, process it and decide what they need to change and what in fact may not be true and they can discard. Hearing negative feedback won’t make a secure person crumble because it doesn't define them. I am definitely not perfect at this, but just having an awareness of the role insecurity plays in my reactions can help me make efforts to push past the pride and try to accurately self assess with humility. It doesn't come naturally, it is a conscious choice I make because I know that pride and defensiveness will prevent me from growing in maturity and character. 

There are many other ways insecurity surfaces in our lives and It will be too long to write a paragraph for each one! To briefly list some other examples, insecurity can surface in negative thoughts towards self/self attacking or loathing, unhealthy dependency on others, fear to step out & take risks or chances, inability to forgive yourself or others, fear to speak up when needed, avoiding stepping through doors of opportunity, self doubt, a lack of life goals and ambitions, easily taking offense, poor eating, giving up, receiving what is said to you by others through an inaccurate or skewed lens, inaction out of fear of failure, unhealthy relationship choices, compromising your values for fear of rejection, negative self-talk, anxiety and much more. I am not saying that whenever you see or experience any of the above you should always diagnose it as “insecurity”. What I am saying is that insecurity can lead to these things and so it important to spend time investing in developing your self worth and confidence. So how do we do this?

For me, investing in my understanding of my value has been through my spiritual journey and faith- holding a belief that I was created with purpose and value and am loved unconditionally. The “fathers love letter” has been helpful to read when I feel doubt about my worth. Other helpful means to develop self-confidence could be through counseling/therapy to confront how the past has impacted on your present. Counseling can help you explore your beliefs about your value and work towards restructuring these beliefs into a more accurate and positive account. It can help heal the cracks in your sense of self so it becomes stronger and more secure.

Additionally, make efforts to become more conscious of your thoughts and reactions to situations. Be mindful. It is easy to critique others and see their role in how you are feeling. It takes more effort to self assess your own role in a situation- regardless of how at fault the other person was. Questions to ask yourself could include:

 What false belief do I hold about myself that is causing me to react this way”?

What is it that is making me chase after this person’s approval?

What was it in me that caused me so feel so offended?

What is making me so afraid to apply for this job?

What is making me stay with this person even though they are abusive or devalue me?

Why am I treading on eggshells around this person?

Why am I afraid to speak honestly in this situation?

Why do I feel like running away from this opportunity?

To summarize, confidence and a strong sense of self-worth are important for many aspects of your life: Important to be able to separate others opinions of you from your value. Important for making healthy relationship decisions. Important for being able to take direction and correction. Important for healthy communication- both in how you express yourself and in how you receive information. Important for developing increased ambition and taking risks towards life goals and dreams. Important for confronting fear and doubt. Important for health! Do whatever it takes to invest in developing a healthy sense of self that is secure and confident. We will never be perfectly secure, but we should continue to aim towards this. Invest in it, grow in it and value it.  Learn to love yourself unconditionally!

Health Gripes

I feel a little hypocritical writing this post as normally I get irritated at people complaining online, however this is exactly what I am going to be doing! So here goes my hypocritical post. I'll be writing about two of my gripes when it comes to health- firstly, the diet industry and secondly, the idea of diets being restrictive. I want to point out my issues with both of these as I believe that  although disguised at times as "healthy", they can actually get in the way of health. 

So, lets discuss my first gripe- the diet industry. "Diet" foods are so widely marketed across the media to encourage weight loss. The idea that is put forward is that if something is low in calories, it is good to eat. Words such as "low fat" ,"fat free", "vegan", "gluten free"  or "low calorie" are widely used to appeal to people trying to be healthy. Attaching a buzz word, however does not make it healthy. Diet soda may be zero calories but you are basically drinking liquid poison. Aspartame, for example in most artificial sweeteners  has multiple effects, including triggering your hunger response so your mind tells you to eat more. It can therefore lead to weight gain, not to mention the health effects of drinking all those artificial chemicals. Foods could be labeled as "vegan" however still can contain harmful ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated soybean oil. Confectionary is marketed as "fat free" or "low fat", even though it is almost completely processed sugar; the same with many yoghurts that say "low fat". Most potato, cheese or tortilla chips, as well as microwave popcorn and kettle corn can all claim to be gluten free. Nut butters may say "all natural" or "organic", however they may have other ingredients added like sugars or hydrogenated oils. The only ingredient should be the actual nut! I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Make an effort to actually read labels and ingredient lists, rather than going straight to the claims the product makes. It is a simple change to make, but will be highly effective in shifting to healthier ways.

The second gripe I have is the idea of restriction. Now before I go on there is one aspect of restriction that I think is important, and that is linked to my paragraph above. It is important to avoid foods that are highly processed, containing harmful chemicals or synthetic man-made nutrients. The kind of restriction I am talking about is the mindset that in order to lose weight we have to torture ourselves by excessive elimination of all fats, sugars and carbs etc. Though this may contribute to weight loss or detox in the short term, it is not, in my opinion a viable long term solution for healthy living. How can we sustain  something that is so torturous? Now I know there are always exceptions, and some people may find this style of dieting helpful and be able to sustain it long-term. I also believe however that it is unhelpful for many other people who have cravings and enjoy tasty food. It can lead to feelings of guilt if there is ever a "slip up" from the high restriction standards we have set. It can also lead people to give up, as they feel like being healthy is too difficult, boring or restrictive. What has helped for me in this situation is to hold a mindset of ADDITION. Add in healthy, whole, nutritious foods to your diet. As well as healthy vegetables and whole grains, you can add in good fats such as avocados or coconut oil. If you are craving something sweet, add in healthier versions such as raw honey, coconut sugar, fresh fruit or other unrefined sugars. The more healthy options you add in, the less room there will be for the unhealthy foods. Say you really want pizza for dinner and just can't hold off from this craving. Instead of pizza being the only food you eat that meal, have a big healthy salad alongside it. The salad will 1) help you feel full sooner so you don't eat as much pizza and 2) add nutritional value to your meal. The more I have added in healthy foods to my diet, the more I start to become excited by healthy food on my plate and my body now craves nutritional meals. Maybe over time you will be excited by a cauliflower crust pizza and start to crave that instead of regular pizza! It may take time to reach the point where you completely crave healthy nutritious meals, but don't let that stop you from trying. To be healthy  does not have to involve painful restrictive diets that leave you feeling tortured. Choose to add something healthy to each meal you eat.  

Feel free to post any thoughts or any questions that you have about health that you may want addressed in future posts. Also I would love to hear from you about any ways you have added healthy food to your meal and how it worked out. 

Heather xo

Redefining "Health"

Well, after much talk around starting a health blog combined with large levels of procrastination, I am finally getting this thing up and running. Several of you have requested I start writing about my health journey, from food advice, recipes, nutrition lessons and information about my handmade skincare. So here is is!

As mentioned in the sites "about" section, my journey to becoming healthy has been one of ups and downs, mistakes and achievements. I used to believe that to be healthy meant to be skinny; to have thigh gaps; to eat diet foods in an attempt to minimize calorie intake and maximize weight loss. Oh how things have changed over time! Now these ideas I used to hold are what I am trying to battle against. I want inspire people to grasp hold of a deeper understanding of health that incorporates healthy minds (mind strength and mental health), physical health (fitness and clean eating) and spiritual health (having a sense of your purpose here on earth that incorporates something greater than your own self). I want to see people well in their soul, mind and body. Not aiming to be skinny; but aiming to be healthy.

I believe all these above aspects of health are interconnected and important. For example, having a sense of purpose for our lives that stretches beyond ourselves can increase our sense of self worth. Increased understanding of our value and self-worth can improve the health of our minds. When our mental health is strong and we have a positive outlook on ourselves and life, we will be more inspired to eat well and exercise. Eating well can give us energy we need to enhance our fitness. Exercising boosts our mental health, as does eating whole, nutritious, clean food. So it goes on... Health runs deep.

I believe each person on this earth is uniquely valuable and carries an important purpose for their life. In this belief lies my passion to inspire people towards health. The more healthy people are, the more they will live in their purpose and achieve great things with their gifts and talents. YOU are important and are worth making the choices and investments needed to thrive in health. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Feel free to ask me any questions or make any suggestions on topics you may like to be covered in future posts.

Be well,
