Redefining "Health"

Well, after much talk around starting a health blog combined with large levels of procrastination, I am finally getting this thing up and running. Several of you have requested I start writing about my health journey, from food advice, recipes, nutrition lessons and information about my handmade skincare. So here is is!

As mentioned in the sites "about" section, my journey to becoming healthy has been one of ups and downs, mistakes and achievements. I used to believe that to be healthy meant to be skinny; to have thigh gaps; to eat diet foods in an attempt to minimize calorie intake and maximize weight loss. Oh how things have changed over time! Now these ideas I used to hold are what I am trying to battle against. I want inspire people to grasp hold of a deeper understanding of health that incorporates healthy minds (mind strength and mental health), physical health (fitness and clean eating) and spiritual health (having a sense of your purpose here on earth that incorporates something greater than your own self). I want to see people well in their soul, mind and body. Not aiming to be skinny; but aiming to be healthy.

I believe all these above aspects of health are interconnected and important. For example, having a sense of purpose for our lives that stretches beyond ourselves can increase our sense of self worth. Increased understanding of our value and self-worth can improve the health of our minds. When our mental health is strong and we have a positive outlook on ourselves and life, we will be more inspired to eat well and exercise. Eating well can give us energy we need to enhance our fitness. Exercising boosts our mental health, as does eating whole, nutritious, clean food. So it goes on... Health runs deep.

I believe each person on this earth is uniquely valuable and carries an important purpose for their life. In this belief lies my passion to inspire people towards health. The more healthy people are, the more they will live in their purpose and achieve great things with their gifts and talents. YOU are important and are worth making the choices and investments needed to thrive in health. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Feel free to ask me any questions or make any suggestions on topics you may like to be covered in future posts.

Be well,
