This spotlight goes to the oh so fabulous Kombucha. This drink quickly rose in popularity in the western health food scene when its health benefits became known, but in fact is has been drunk for centuries in parts of Asia and Eastern Europe. It was known in China over 2000 years ago as the "immortal Health Elixir". Or something along those lines.
So what is Kombucha?
Simply put, kombucha is fermented tea (usually made with green or black tea leaves and sugar). The fermentation process happens when the kombucha culture known as SCOBY (symbiotic culture/colony of bacteria and yeast) eats away at the sugars in the tea. The SCOBY is a thick, pale fleshy looking thing- almost like a flat round squid... I know I know, I'm not making this sound very appetizing. But don't give up reading yet! As the sugars are eaten away, the tea becomes rich in live probiotics, vitamins, amino acids & other organic acids and enzymes that are beneficial to your health. There are many believed health benefits of kombucha, including:
Digestive health
Gut health
Immune health
Help to stabilize yeast and hormones
Increased energy
Healthy skin, hair and nails
Joint care (due to kombucha containing glucosamines)
Now don't get me wrong- kombucha isn't a magical tonic where you drink a glass a day and then you are all fine and healthy. You still need to eat clean and take whatever steps you need to take towards your individual health. But for me, kombucha has been a wonderful addition to my life and I definitely do notice its benefits, particularly for my gut health and energy levels. I try to drink about 1/2 to 1 full glass a day, depending on how strong and acidic my brew turns out.
These days you can find bottled kombucha in most stores that sell healthy food. I prefer, however to make it myself as I save a bucket load of money and it is so easy to make- much easier than I thought it would be. I began my kombucha brewing with a starter kit from this company which made it super simple. Also, If you are interested in brewing your own kombucha this you tube video is helpful or you can feel free to message me with any questions you have!