Vega One Nutrition Shake
This weeks spotlight is on Vega One- my go to nutrition shake.
Vega One Nutritional Shake is a plant based nutrition powder developed by a vegan ironman. I love to use it in my post workout smoothies, or to mix it in the healthy bircher muesli I make for breakfast. Here's the run down of its nutrition content per serving:
20g protein 6 servings of greens 50% daily intake of vitamins & minerals
25% daily intake of fiber 1 billion probiotics
Antioxidants- 1000 Orac 1.5 grams of omega 3 fatty acids
Many nutrition shakes are disguised as "healthy" however have high amounts of sugars, refined carbs or synthetic/man-made nutrients. I love that Vega One is is 100% plant based, using whole, natural ingredients- no crap.
If you are going to drink nutrition shakes, make sure you read the ingredients and choose healthy natural versions, because they aren't all made that way!