Grilled Vegetables with Ricotta & Tomato
This is a super quick, healthy vegetarian meal you can pull together in under 10 minutes- great for people with busy lives who still want to make their own clean meals. Its basic, but tasty!
1 medium sized zucchini
5 medium sized mushrooms
2 tablespoons toasted pumpkin seeds
1/3 cup fresh ricotta cheese
Small bunch of Basil leaves- approximately 8-10 leaves
1 Roma tomato
Olive oil
Salt & pepper
Slice the zucchini into 2 inch segments. Slice these segments lengthways to form narrow rectangle pieces.
Slice the mushrooms.
Cut the tomato into wedges.
Heat a small amount of oil in pan and layer the zucchini slices on the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Grill on either side until golden. Remove from the pan and add some more oil. Grill the mushrooms until golden and season with salt and pepper.
Place the mushrooms and zucchini on a plate. Crumble ricotta cheese over this and then add the tomatoes. Sprinkle the pumpkin seeds on top and garnish with basil leaves.
Note: This is the low carb recipe however if desired you could serve it alongside couscous, brown or wild rice, or quinoa... or whatever you feel inspired to add!